Music On Belle Isle Group
Dedicated to returning great music to Belle Isle
2025 Season begins June 4
Some years ago...
thousands of music lovers enjoyed wonderful concerts at the Remick band shell on Belle Isle performed by the legendary Detroit Concert Band, under the direction of Leonard B. Smith, and the world renowned Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The Music On Belle Isle Group is dedicated to returning that summer tradition to Belle Isle and restoring the Remick band shell. Learn more about MObig, the “River Blast” summer concert series, and how to donate to help in the restoration of this historic Detroit musical landmard.
Letter from MObig president Craig Strain
To friends of MObig,
On August 17, 2017 a group of interested people met to discuss the need for live music to return to Belle Isle and how a process for renovation of the historic Remick Band Shell could be facilitiated. That meeting resulted in the formation of Music on Belle Isle Group (MObig). On October 13, 2017 501(c)(3) non-profit status was granted.
A lot has happened in the past six and a half years. The annual summer concert series on Sunset Point known as RiverBlast! has become a favorite place to hear Community Concert Bands, Jazz, R&B and Opera. Research has revealed the original architect, people and organizations involved in the development process and many of the wonderful groups who performed on that stage including the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Detroit Concert Band.
Progress on the Remick has been slow but steady and more recently very encouraging. We are partnering with both the local and state DNR as well as other individuals involved in non-profit projects. The community is eager to see the Remick put back in its original condition and concerts resumed there. We are currently seeking grants and donors. We raised funds for a preliminary architectural assessment ($28,000). Our next step is raising $250,000 for the “engineering”. With input from MObig, the DNR will select an architectural firm and pending a cost estimate and fundraising, the renovation will begin.
The members of MObig are excited that this dream is becoming a reality. We welcome your input, you can send an email directly from this website on our “Donate” page. You will find a growing list of our accomplishments by clicking on “learn more” on this website.
Yours in music,
Craig Strain
President, Music On Belle Isle Group
January 5, 2024