You can make a difference

We are ready to take the next steps toward restoring the Remick Bandshell for summer concerts.


Your donation will help us toward the restoration of the Remick Bandshell. Please send a personal check to:

P.O. Box 551
Farmington, MI

MOBIG is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation.

Donate using PayPal
Donate with credit card

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and fellow musicians about this important mission to bring summer band concerts back to Belle Isle and to restore the Remick Bandshell. Music groups, feel free to link this site to your website and spread the word on social media as well. Follow us on facebook by clicking on the logo the bottom of this page. Sign up for email news at the home page.


we need your help

Wish to get involved with MObig? Have any advise to offer?